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생성 AI 로 중세 여성 만들기

by DOSGamer 2023. 4. 4.

 Model: dreamshaper_4BakedVae

(masterpiece), (extremely intricate:1.3), (realistic), portrait of a girl, the most beautiful artwork in the world, (medieval armor), metal reflections, upper body, outdoors, intense sunlight, far away castle, professional oil painting of a stunning woman by Ed Blinkey and Atey Ghailan and Jeremy Mann and Greg Rutkowski, detailed, sharp focus, dramatic, award winning, matte drawing, cinematic lighting, octane render, unreal engine, volumetrics dtx

Negative : EasyNegative


Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras

Steps: 20

Width : 512

Height : 768

CFG scale: 8.5

Hires.fix : checked

Upscaler : R-ESRGAN 4x+Anime

Denoising strength : 0.6

Upscale by 2






